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Emergency Response Courses
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Emergency Response Courses

Fire Service College / NCEC Schedulling

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Hazardous Materials First Responder
Emergency Response Courses
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Emergency Response Courses

Hazardous Materials First Responder

Providing first responders / incident commanders, with the necessary knowledge and practical experience to be able to competently deal with an incident involving hazardous materials.

Hazardous Materials Instructor
Emergency Response Courses
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Emergency Response Courses

Hazardous Materials Instructor

Developing learner’s knowledge, understanding, skills and instructional ability to enable them to deliver hazardous materials training to first responders in line with the UK firefighter development unit FF5

Hazardous Materials Adviser (Initial)
Emergency Response Courses
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Teacher: Jon CrawleyTeacher: Stuart DevereuxTeacher: Ed Sullivan

Hazardous Materials Adviser (Initial)

Designed to help emergency responders develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to work and develop in the role of hazardous materials tactical adviser.

Hazardous Materials Adviser Revalidation
Emergency Response Courses
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Teacher: Josh AllawayTeacher: Jon CrawleyTeacher: Ed Sullivan

Hazardous Materials Adviser Revalidation

The aim of this course, which is accredited by JOIFF, is to refresh the knowledge, understanding and skills of existing hazardous materials advisors in line with National Operational Guidance (NOG) – Foundation for Hazardous Materials and industry best practice. Its flexible nature means it can be adapted to be in accordance with international standards.